3-D conformal therapy |
3-D Conformal and Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy:
Physics and Clinical Applications
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Edited by: James A. Purdy, PhD, Walter Grant III, PhD, Jatinder R. Palta, PhD, E. Brian Butler, MD, and Carlos A. Perez, MD
($195.00 now $99.00)
3D Conformal Radiation Therapy
Multimedia Introduction to Methods and Techniques!strong> |
Schlegel, Wolfgang, Mahr, Andreas
Clinical Target Volumes
In Conformal and Intensity
Modulated Radiation
A Clinical Guide To Cancer Treatment!strong> |
Edited by: VincentGregoire, Series editor: L.W.Brady
The Physics of Conformal Radiotherapy: Advances in
!strong> |
S. Webb
($77.95 now $69.95)
The Physics of Conformal Radiotherapy: Advances in
Technology, Hardbound
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S. Webb
($77.95 now $69.95)