Radiobiology |
A2. A new Rabex 2021: Radiation & Cancer
Practice Examination, Dosimetrist
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Minesh Mehta, MD & Siamak Shahabi, PhD

An Introduction to Radiobiology, 2nd Edition
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A. H. W. Nias
($183.00 now $179.95)

Basic Clinical Radiobiology
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Michael C. Joiner, Albert J. van der Kogel
($83.95 now $67.12)

Basics of Biomedical Ultrasound for Engineers
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Haim Azhari

Biological Models and Their Applications in Radiation
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Kjeld J. Olsen

Cancer of the Nervous System, Second Edition
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Edited by: Peter M Black MD, PhD, Jay S Loeffler MD

Gastrointestinal Tract Imaging
An Evidence-Based Practice Guide!strong> |
Edited by: Julie Nightingale and Robert Law
($262.95 now $240.95)

Handbook of Radiobiology
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Kedar N. Prasad; Univ/Colorado Health Sci. Ctr.
($365.00 now $292.00)

Hodgkin Lymphoma
Second Edition
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Edited by: Richard T Hoppe MD, Peter M Mauch MD EditJames O Armitage MD, Volker Diehl MD ,Lawrence M Weiss MD

Human Radiation Injury
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Dennis C Shrieve MD, PhD Jay Loeffler MD