Head & Neck |
Head and Neck Imaging - A Teaching File, Hardbound | |
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Anthony A. Mancuso, MD, Hiroya Ojiri, MD, Ronald G. Quisling, MD | |
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This brand-new casebook helps
readers develop their radiologic
interpretation skills and become stronger, more confident
consultants to their
clinical colleagues. Featuring over 1,000 images, the book
presents 100 cases
that cover common disorders and comprise a core curriculum
of head and neck
radiology. The crossover areas between neuroradiology and
ENT imaging--including
skull base and cranial nerve assessment--are covered
thoroughly. Each case begins
with several images and questions that stimulate thought
about the clinical
situation and the diagnostic process. The answer pages
summarize the imaging
findings and the clinical problem...present relevant anatomic
the diagnostic reasoning process...state the diagnosis...and
highlight important
clinical points.
Anthony A. Mancuso, MD, Hiroya Ojiri, MD, Ronald G. Quisling, MD |
528 Pages, Illustrations: 1109, December 2001 |
$110.00 U.S.
ISBN: 0-683-30144-6: ISBN 13: 978-0-683-30144-1
email: info@advmedpub.net |