This new book on "Monitor Unit Calculations for External
Photon and Electron Beams" in radiation oncology covers
the information you need for implementing the formalism
of Monitor Unit Dose Calculations.
Since there is no nationally recommended consistent
criteria and formalism for the determination or
verification of monitor units for photon and electron
beams, there are a variety of different systems and
dosimetric functions in use. These differences become
more significant when more complex treatment modalities
are implemented using newer technologies. This book
describes practical methods for calculating monitor
units for external photon and electron beams.
The main objective of these practical methods is to
enable the physicists/doimetrists to perform monitor
unit dose calculations using these protocols within
their radiation oncology department.
Monitor Unit Calculations for External Photon and
Electron Beams: includes and describes step-by-step
descriptions of methods for implementing both the
technical and the clinical aspects of monitor unit dose
The material covered are:
- Monitor Unit Calculations for Photon
- Monitor Unit Calculations
with Head Scatter Factors
- Monitor Unit Calculations
with Physical Attenuators
- Monitor Unit Calculations
with Dynamic or Virtual
- Monitor Unit Calculations
for Asymmetric Fields
- Monitor Unit Calculations
with Multileaf
- Monitor Unit Calculations
with Heterogeneity
- Monitor Unit Calculations
for Special Photon
- Monitor Unit Calculations
for Electron Beams
- Monitor Unit Calculations
for Special Electron
- Monitor Unit Calculation
for Extended SSD Electron
- Monitor Unit Calculation
with Irregularly-Shaped
Electron Fields
This book is essential for radiation oncology
physicists, dosimetrits, treatment planning system
designers, and other professionals practicing the
radiation oncology field.
Contributors Include:
Faiz Khan | Ken Hogstrom | Nick Detorie | John Gibbons |
Eric Klein | Kwok Lam | David Mellenberg | Don Roback |
Mark Sontag |