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Radiation Oncology (Physics)

Basic Therapy Physics

   Radiation physics
Treatment Planning
   Basic treatment planning
   3-D conformal therapy
   3-D conformal & IMRT
   Imaging in treatment planning
   Intensity modulated RT (IMRT)
   Inverse treatment planning
   Basic principle
   Photon & electron
   Monitor Unit
   High-dose rate
   Low-dose rate
   Monte carlo dosimetry
   Quality assurance
Radiation Therapists
   Radiation protection
Special Procedures
   Neutron capture therapy
   Stereotactic radiosurgery
Linear Accelerator
Radiation & Cancer Biology Practice Examination
Radiation Detection 
Radiation Protection
Health Physics
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Clinical Radiotherapy Physics, Hardcover 
Excellent textbook descriping the basic radiation treatment planning, radiation dosimetry & etc. 
Jayaraman, Subramania, Lanzl, Lawrence H. 
A perfect resource for dosimetrists, physicist, radiation oncology residents & radiation therapists 
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This book provides an in-depth introduction to radiotherapy physics. The emphasis in much of the work is on the clinical aspects of the field. Uniquely useful for both the physicist and non-physicist, Clinical Radiotherapy Physics gradually and sequentially develops each of its topics in clear, concise language. It includes important mathematical analyses, yet is written so that these sections can be skipped, if desired, without compromising understanding. The book is divided into seven parts covering basic physics (Parts I-II), equipment for radiotherapy (Part III), radiation dosimetry (Parts IV-V), radiation treatment planning (Part VI), and radiation safety and shielding (Part VII). For radiation oncologists, radiation therapists, and clinical physicists. Written for: Radiation oncologists, radiation therapists, clinical physicists



Physics & Clinical Scope of Clinical Radiotherapy Physics; Atoms, Molecules, and Matter; Propagation of Energy by Electromagnetic Waves; Nuclear Transitions and Radioactive Decay; Radioactive Decay Calculations; Collision and Radiation Loss in Charged-Particle Interactions; Photon Interactions; Conventional X-Ray Machines; Equipment for Radioisotopic Teletherapy; Particle Accelerators; Quantification of Radiation Field: Radiation Units and Measurements; Instruments for Radiation Detection; Basic Ratios and Factors for the Dosimetry of External Beams; Beam Dosimetry; Treatment Dose Distribution Planning: Photon Beams; Physical Aspects of Electron Beam Therapy; Physics of the Use of Small Sealed Sources in Brachytherapy; Radiation Safety Standards; Radiation Safety in External- Beam Therapy; Radiation Therapy in Brachytherapy; Appendix A: Electron Mass Stopping Power; Appendix B: Mass Attenuation Coefficients;

Jayaraman, Subramania, Lanzl, Lawrence H.
523 Pages, Illustrations: 246 illus., 62 tabs, 2004, 2nd Edition
$269.00 U.S.
ISBN: 978-3-540-40284-8 ; Springer-Verlag  
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Radiation Oncology (Clinical)

Clinical Oncology

   Essential textbooks
Special Topics
   Head & Neck
   Leukemias & Lymphomas
   Color-matrix staging
   Staging atlas
   TNM classification
Surgical Oncology
Treatment Planning
   Basic treatment planning
   3-D conformal & IMRT
   3-D conformal therapy
   Intensity modulated RT (IMRT)
   Basic & clinical
   High-dose rate
   Low-dose rate
   Quality assurance
Special procedure
   Stereotactic radiosurgery
   Neutron capture therapy
   Head & Neck
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Oncologic Nursing
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