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Clinical Radiation Oncology, 2nd Edition  
Leonard L. Gunderson, MD, MS and Joel E. Tepper, MD 
Completely revised 2nd Edition provides the most comprehensive the up-to-date information in field of radiation oncology. 
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The completely revised 2nd Edition of CLINICAL RADIATION ONCOLOGY provides the most comprehensive, authoritative, and up-to-date information available for treating patients with cancer. Featuring a multidisciplinary perspective, the text examines the therapeutic management of specific disease sites based on both single-modality and combined-modality approaches - providing you with the well-rounded, cutting-edge guidance you need to offer the most effective treatments. A consistent chapter format throughout - paired with an all-new full-color design - makes reference fast and easy.

Key Features:

  chapters this includes a "Front Page Format" summarizing some of the most important issues for the disease site and a closing section that include a "Treatment Algorithm" along with a discussion of controversies or challenges that remain. * Offers broad multimodality perspectives on the field with a diverse team of respected editors and contributors drawn from institutions from across the country. * Describes the scientific foundations of radiation oncology and general oncology as well as state-of-the-art techniques and modalities. * Examines the therapeutic management of specific disease sites based on a single-modality and combined-modality approaches. * Presents a clinically focused approach to help you implement the most effective treatment for each patient.


"A comprehensive, detailed review of clinical radiation oncology."- Mayo Clinic Proceedings


* Features a full-color design throughout and over 700 color figures which clearly depict treatment techniques; this allows for more complete integration of text, tables, and figures thus making key information easier to locate. * Adds a "Diagnostic Algorithm" to disease-site chapters that highlights key tests and procedures in the initial work-up and follow-up of patients. * Features new chapters in the Scientific Foundations Section (Biologics and Interactions with Radiation), Related Cancer Disciplines (Imaging - CT, MRI, Imaging - Nuclear Medicine, Health Services Research) and the Disease Site Sections (Meningiomas, Ependymomas and other Adult Brain Tumors; Management of the Neck; Melanoma; Uncommon Thoracic Malignancies; Penile Cancer, Benign Diseases). * Offers comprehensive updates throughout to reflect the latest developments, including advances in biology, technology and single or multi- disciplinary treatment of a variety of malignancies.


Leonard L. Gunderson, MD, MS, Professor and Chair of Oncology, Mayo Medical School and Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN; and Joel E. Tepper, MD, Professor and Chairman, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC

Leonard L. Gunderson, MD, MS and Joel E. Tepper, MD
1888 Pages, Illustrations: 850, Trim size 8 1/2 X 10 7/8 in, 2007
$279.00 now $255.00 U.S.
ISBN: 0443068402, ISBN 13: 9780443068409  
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Radiation Oncology (Clinical)

Clinical Oncology

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Surgical Oncology
Treatment Planning
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   3-D conformal therapy
   Intensity modulated RT (IMRT)
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   Quality assurance
Special procedure
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   Neutron capture therapy
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