High-level information regarding all aspects pertinent to pediatric oncology nursing
Based on factual clinical evidence
Updated chapters with reference to the most recent literature available on that particular topic
New chapters address to important subjects such as clinical trials and biotherapies
This is the second edition of a
comprehensive clinical handbook for nurses in pediatric
hematology/oncology that presents in-depth information on
pathophysiology, diagnosis, treatment, advanced assessment, and
interventions. All chapters have been updated since the first edition,
and additional chapters have been included where necessary.
The book is divided into five sections: pediatric cancers,
hematologic disorders, treatment of childhood cancer, side-effects of
treatment and disease, and supportive and palliative care. It is
organized in a consistent and accessible format with quick reference
guides that will prove invaluable in everyday practice. Future
perspectives and opportunities for new treatment options and research
are also presented. All of the authors are pediatric experts from the
United Kingdom and North America, and their contributions reflect their
diverse backgrounds and experiences. This handbook will provide an
indispensable tool for those responsible for the clinical nursing care
of children with cancer, and assist in meeting the many challenging
developments in this specialty.
Written for:
Pediatric oncology nurses, pediatric hematology nurses, pediatric nurses, nursing educators, nursing faculty
advanced practice nursing pediatric hematology pediatric nursing pediatric oncology
Table of contents:
From the contents: 1. Pediatric Cancers: Leukemias. Solid
2. Hematologic Disorders: Anemia. Neutropenia.
Thrombocytopenia. Bleeding Disorders.
3. Treatment: Chemotherapy.
Radiation Therapy. BMT. Surgery. Gene Therapy. Alternative and
Complementary Therapy. Clinical Trials. Biotherapies. 4. Side Effects:
Metabolism. GI Tract. Bone Marrow Suppression. Respiratory Tract.
Urinary Tract. Cardiovascular System. CNS. Musculoskletal. Skin.
Endocrine. 5. Supportive and Palliative Care: Nutrition. Hydration.
Pain. Transfusion Therapy. Growth Factors. Care of Dying Children. |