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3-D Conformal and Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy: Physics and Clinical Applications 
Edited by: James A. Purdy, PhD, Walter Grant III, PhD, Jatinder R. Palta, PhD, E. Brian Butler, MD, and Carlos A. Perez, MD 
Excellent new source of physics and clinical applications of 3-D CRT and IMRT 
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Sample Chapter: Image Segmentation & 3D Planning Contributors


This new book "3-D Conformal and Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy: Physics & Clinical Applications" in radiation therapy provides a comprehensive overview on the physics & clinical applications of 3- D CRT and IMRT. It covers full range of detailed topics and cutting edge information on recent clinical application of 3-D CRT and IMRT treatment planning. This book presents the physics and clinical information you need to implement and practice 3-D conformal and intensity modulated radiation therapy techniques and their applications in your radiation oncology center. It includes step-by-step descriptions of methods necessary for practicing full 3-D CRT and IMRT using precise imaging techniques for tumor localization, targeting, and treatment planning. This book on 3-D CRT and IMRT describes clinical and biological plan evaluation and various imaging methods in the technical implementation and the clinical aspects of 3-D CRT and IMRT treatment planning.

It consists of topics coverin g:


IMRT treatment planning  3-D RTP plan evaluation  Biological indices in plan evaluation , TCP & NTCP calculation . Image segmentation and volume display for 3-D RTTP  CT-Simulation and 3-D planning process , Image fusion for 3- D CRT . Imaging in IMRT, Geometric uncertainty in 3- D CRT, Patient immobilization for 3-D RTP & virtual simulation . The convolution algorithm in IMRT, A non-convolution dose model for high energy photon beams. Monte carlo dose calculation for 3-D RTP  Commissioning of photon dose calculation algorithms for 3-D RTP system, Computer optimization and objective functions , Corvus optimization algorithm in IMRT , Helios optimization algorithm and IMRT planning , Commissioning and QA of the Peacock, Elekta, Varian, and Siemens IMRT system , Patient specific IMRT QA ,Beam calibration using standards of absorbed dose in water , Clinical implementation of electronic portal imaging ,Radiation oncology medical information systems & PACS , Advanced topics in IMRT , Helical tomotherapy, MLC as a field shaper.

Clinical: Prostate 3- D CRT, Mallinckrodt, M.D. Anderson, and Fox Chase cancer center experience, 3-D CRT & IMRT, UCSF and Memorial Sloan-kettering Experience , Prostate IMRT: Baylor University & New-England medical center , Head and Neck IMRT, Washington University, New- England medical center, Stanford University, and Baylor University experience, 3-D CRT RTOG 94-06 update    Clinical dose- volume endpoints for Pneumonitis and Esophagitis, Pediatric & selected CNS IMRT ,QA for 3-D CRT/IMRT multi- institutional clinical trials. Cost benefit of 3-D CRT/IMRT Clinical data analysis of NCTP modeling for normal lung & tumors.

Contributors Include:

  • J. A. Purdy, PhD, W. B. Harms, Sr., BS, J. M. Michalski, MD, W. R. Bosch, DSc, Mary Ann Lockett, MBA, K. S. Clifford Chao, MD, Daniel A. Low, PhD, Eric E. Klein, MS, Beverly J. Kobeissi, MBA, Daniel A. Low, PhD, Todd H. Wasserman, MD, and C. A. Perez, MD; Radiation Oncology Center, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, Washington University School of Medicine

  • Mary V. Graham, MD; Radiation Oncology Center, Phelps County Regional Hospital, Rolla, Missouri

  • Mary K. Martel, PhD, Randall K. Ten Haken, PhD, Kelvin Li, PhD, and Marc L. Kessler, PhD ;University of Michigan Medical Center, Radiation Oncology, Division of Medical Physics

  • Lynn J. Verhey, PhD and Mack Roach III, MD ;Dept. of Radiation Oncology, University of California, San Francisco, CA

  • David E. Wazer, MD, Thomas DiPetrillo, MD, Jen-San Tsai, PhD, Mark Engler, PhD, Teresa Boyle, MD, Celine Godin, MD, and Paul Pagnini, MD ;The Lifespan Radiation Oncology Service, New England Medical Center Division, Tufts University School of Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts, and Brown University School of Medicine and Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, RI

  • Walter Grant III, PhD, Bin S. Teh, MD, Barry M. Uhl, MD, E. Brian Butler, MD, J. Kam Chiu, MD, Shiao Y. Woo, MD, John McGary, PhD, and Paul S. Nizin, PhD ;Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas

  • Charles A. Pelizzari, PhD ;Radiation and Cellular Oncology, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL

  • Isaac Rosen, PhD, Alan Pollack, MD, PhD, H. Helen Liu, PhD, and Lewis Smith, MD, Helen Liu, PhD ;Department of Radiation Oncology, U.T.-- M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX

  • Quynh-Thu Le, MD, Lei Xing, PhD, and Arthur L. Boyer, PhD ;Radiation Oncology Department, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California

  • Steven A. Leibel, MD, Chandra M. Burman, PhD, Zvi Fuks, MD, Michael J. Zelefsky, MD, Margie Hunt, MS, Henry J. Lee, MD, PhD, Chen-Shou Chui, PhD, Spiridon Spirou, PhD, Jie Yang, PhD, Linda Hong, PhD, C. Clifton Ling, PhD, Gikas S. Mageras, PhD, and Ellen D. Yorke, PhD ;Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, New York

  • Radhe Mohan, PhD and Qiuwen Wu, PhD ;Medical College of Virginia Hospitals, Richmond, VA

  • M. Saiful Huq, PhD ;Radiation Oncology, Kimmel Cancer Center of Jefferson Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University

  • Andrzej Niemierko, PhD ;Massachusetts General Hospital & Harvard Medical School

  • Kathleen Brunsden, MBA ;Barnes- Jewish Hospital, Washington University Medical Center, St. Louis, MO

  • Mahendra Gupta, PhD and Nicholas Dupoch, PhD ;John M. Olin School of Business, Washington University, St. Louis, MO

  • Katharina E. Sixel, PhD and Katherine Mah, MSc ;Toronto-Sunnybrook Regional Cancer Centre

  • Andrew T. Turrisi, III, MD ;Radiation Oncology, Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, South Carolina

  • D. A. Jaffray, PhD, D. Yan, DSc, J. H. Siewerdsen, PhD, John Wong, PhD, Michael Sharpe, PhD, Di Yan, DSc, Yan Wu, MS, Brett Miller, BS, Donald Brabbins, PhD, and Alvaro Martinez, MD ;Radiation Oncology, William Beaumont Hospital, Royal Oak, Michigan

  • Michael G. Herman, PhD ;Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN

  • T. Rockwell Mackie, PhD, Gustavo Olivera, PhD, Guang Fang, PhD, Jeffrey Kapatoes, MS, Edward Fitchard, PhD, Paul Reckwerdt, BS, David Shepard, MS, Kenneth Ruchala, MS, John Balog, PhD, Stacy Aldridge, MS, and Julie Zachman, MS ;University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin
  • Gerald E. Hanks, MD, Timothy E. Schultheiss, PhD, Robert Price, PhD, Shawn McNeeley, MS, Wayne Pinover, DO, Eric Horwitz, MD, and Alexandra Hanlon, PhD Deptartment of Radiation Oncology; Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA
  • Lynn J. Verhey, PhD Department of Radiation Oncology, University of California, San Francisc

    This is an invaluable and essential reference for radiation oncologists, medical physicists, dosimetrists, treatment planning system developers, and other professionals who need in-depth information about the physics and clinical implementation and practice of 3-D conformal and intensity modulated radiation therapy.

  • Edited by: James A. Purdy, PhD, Walter Grant III, PhD, Jatinder R. Palta, PhD, E. Brian Butler, MD, and Carlos A. Perez, MD
    650 Pages, Illustrations: 160 color and black and white, September 2001
    $195.00 now $99.00 U.S.
    Advanced Medical Publishing, Inc.  ISBN: 1-883526-10-8 ; AMP code: 6108  
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