This Neuroimaging publication presents information in three distinct
sections: Diagnostics, Planning/Imaging, and Therapeutics. Topics
include State of the Art Pathology (New tools, New WHO
classification/implications); Applications of nanotechnology in the
imaging and therapy of brain tumors; Molecular Tools (Biology, Prognosis
and Therapeutic Triage in Gliomas); Surgical planning and
intra-operative MR in brain tumor surgery; Imaging of brain tumors via
DTI and fMRI; Imaging of brain tumors via MR Spectroscopy and Metabolic
Imaging; Imaging of brain tumors: Perfusion Permeability; Novel
Gadolinium liposomal contrast agents; Current status and future
potential of MRI-guided focused ultrasound surgery; Update on surgically
based clinical trials in brain tumors including new neurosurgical
techniques; Novel medical therapeutics in brain tumors, including
targeted molecular therapies, current and future clinical trials; and
Radiation oncology in brain tumors, current approaches and clinical
trials in progress.