book provides complete descriptions of the techniques involved in
medical image processing, using sufficient descriptions and practical
references. Chapters cover topics of deformable registration,
segmentation, image reconstruction, and integration of these practices
into the radiation therapy environment. The four sections provide an
overview of the image segmentation and reconstruction techniques using
image processing across all modalities, and applications of these
approaches in radiation therapy. The book also addresses the
applications of registration, segmentation, and image reconstruction for
radiation therapy, including adaptive radiotherapy, monitoring and
tracking of treatment delivery, quantifying accuracy, and visualizing
Offers a complete overview of image registration, segmentation, and
reconstruction techniques as well as their effectiveness and
applicability in a radiation therapy context Covers underlying physics and image processing associated with the techniques Includes critical evaluation of parametric and non-parametric image
registration techniques and their applications in radiation therapy
processes Covers image segmentation techniques, from atlas-based to level set and registration-based techniques across modalities Includes adaptive radiotherapy, monitoring and tracking of treatment delivery, quantifying accuracy, and visualizing results Contains expert assessments on covered topics
Table of Contents:
IMAGE PROCESSING IN RADIOTHERAPY APPLICATIONS Image Processing in Adaptive Radiotherapy; Dong Online Monitoring, Tracking, and Dose Accumulation; Keall Quantifying Accuracy of Segmentation and Registration; Balter Visualization REGISTRATION Rigid and Affine Registration Optimization Methods Similarity Metrics; Kessler Intensity Based Metrics (CC, MI, SSD, etc) Contour Feature Based Metrics (points, contours, segments) Parametric; Christensen B-Spline Thin Plate Spline Elastic Body Spline Non-Parametric, Elastic; AI-Maya and Brock Linear Elastic Viscoelastic Hyperelastic Navier-Stokes Non-Parametric, Fluid Diffusion; He Wang Viscous Fluid Diffusion/Demon's Algorithm SEGMENTATION Computer-aided Manual Segmentation Basic Segmentation (region growing, snakes, texture-based, multi-modal classifications, etc) Atlas-based; Kaus Level Set Registration-based; Joshi ADVANCED IMAGING TECHNIQUES Advancements in Reconstruction (analytic/iterative) Advancements in Respiration Sorting In-room Imaging Techniques Challenging Registration (2D to 3D, functional to anatomical images, surface to image, multi-modality); EI Naqa Image Pre-processing (distortion, noise minimization, artifact reduction)