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Intraoperative Irradiation 
Techniques and Results 
Edited by: L. L.Gunderson, MD, C. G. Wilett, MD, L. B. Harrison, MD and F. A. Calvo, MD 
The most comprehensive book available on the IORET and HDR-IORT 
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 International radiation oncologists, surgeons, and scientists comprehensively review the techniques, indications, and results of using intraoperative electrons (IOERT) and high-dose rate brachytherapy (HDR-IORT). State-of-the-art topics range from methods and techniques of treatment and issues of normal tissue/organ tolerance to IORT, to techniques and results by disease-site, as well as future possibilities. The disease-site chapters cover everybody part for which the potential merit of IORT has been demonstrated, with disease-specific treatment factors presented by a radiation oncologist and a surgeon. The diseases range from GI cancers to CNS and breast malignancies. International in authorship and comprehensive in scope, Intraoperative Irradiation:

Techniques and Results offers a cutting-edge resource and reference for surgeons, radiation oncologists, physicists, anesthesiologists, medical oncologists, and all others involved in providing IORT and HDR-IORT procedures and cancer care today.


“. . . chapters are very well written in a concise manner and include excellent bibliographies. . .a thorough, well written, informative textbook which would be a welcome addition to the radiation and surgical oncologist's reference library. “—Doody’s Health Sciences Book Review Journal “This comprehensive review by internationallyrecognized radiation oncologists, surgeons and scientists likely represents the definitive text on intraoperative irradiation and allied techniques…a useful reference for the dedicated multidisciplinary oncology team, wishing to have a comprehensive review of these techniques (and current results)…The biophysics of a single high dose versus multiple small doses is well covered in this text.”—Canadian Journal of Surgery “…an appropriate resource and reference book. It is intended for surgeons, radiation oncologists, physicists, anesthetists, medical oncologists, and all others involved either in the procedural component of IORT or in the care of patients with cancer.”—Neoplasma


Table of contents:

 Part I. General Rationale and Historical Perspective. General Rationale and Historical Perspective of Intraoperative Irradiation,Leonard L. Gunderson, Felipe A. Calvo, Christopher G. Willett, Louis B. Harrison, and Manuel Santos. Biology of Large Dose per Fraction Radiation Therapy,Paul Okunieff, Srinath Sundararaman, and Yuhchyaw Chen.

 Part II. Methods and Techniques of Treatment. Physical Aspects of Intraoperative Electron-Beam Irradiation, Edwin C. McCullough and Peter J. Biggs. IOERT Treatment Factors: Technique and Equipment, Christopher G. Willett, Leonard L. Gunderson, Paul M. Busse, David Nagorney, Joel E. Tepper, and Felipe A. Calvo. Physics of Intraoperative High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy,Lowell L. Anderson, Patrick J. Harrington, and Jean St. Germain. High-Dose-Rate Intraoperative Irradiation (HDR-IORT): Technical Factors, Louis B. Harrison, Alfred M. Cohen, and Warren E. Enker.

Intraoperative Irradiation with Electron-Beam or High-Dose-Rate Brachytherapy: Methodological Comparisons, Subir Nag, Leonard L. Gunderson, Christopher G. Willett, Louis B. Harrison, and Felipe A. Calvo. Part III. Normal Tissue Tolerance--IORT. Normal Tissue Tolerance to Intraoperative Irradiation: The National Cancer Institute Experimental Studies,William F. Sindelar, Peter A. S. Johnstone, Harald J. Hoekstra, and Timothy J. Kinsella. Studies at Colorado State University of Normal Tissue Tolerance of Beagles to IOERT, EBRT, or a Combination,Edward L. Gillette, Sharon M. Gillette, and Barbara E. Powers. Peripheral Nerve Tolerance: Experimental and Clinical, Edward Gillette, Barbara E. Powers, Sharon M. Gillette,Leonard L. Gunderson, and Christopher G. Willett. Part IV. Results of IORT With or Without EBRT by Disease Site. Gastric IORT With or Without EBRT,Rafael Martinez-Monge, Jean P. Gerard, H. J. Kramling, F. Guillemin, and Felipe A. Calvo. IORT in Pancreatic Carcinoma,Paula M. Termuhlen, Douglas B. Evans, and Christopher G. Willett. Biliary Tract IORT: Bile Duct and Gallbladder,Takeshi Todoroki, Leonard L. Gunderson, and David Nagorney. Primary Colorectal EBRT and IOERT,Christopher G. Willett, Paul C. Shellito, and Leonard L. Gunderson. Recurrent Colorectal: EBRT With or Without IOERT or HDR-IORT, Leonard L. Gunderson, Christopher G. Willett, Michael G. Haddock, Heidi Nelson, Ignacio Azinovic, Subir Nag, Felipe A. Calvo, Kjell M. Tviet, Ralph Dobelbower, and Hollis W. Merrick. HDR-IORT for Colorectal Cancer: Clinical Experience, Louis B.

Harrison, Bruce D. Minsky, Carol White, Alfred M. Cohen, and Warren E. Enker. Radiation Ablation of Liver Metastases: HDR-IORT With or Without EBRT,Catherine L. Salem and Anatoly Dritschilo. Electron or Orthovoltage IORT for Retroperitoneal Sarcomas,Holger L. Gieschen, Christopher G. Willett, John Donohue, Ivy A. Petersen,

Ira J. Spiro, Felipe A. Calvo, and Leonard L. Gunderson. HDR-IORT for Retroperitoneal Sarcomas,Louis B. Harrison, Lowell Anderson, Carol White, and Murray F. Brennan.

Extremity and Trunk Soft Tissue Sarcomas: EBRT With or Without IORT ,Ivy A. Petersen, Felipe A. Calvo, Leonard L. Gunderson, Douglas J. Pritchard, Ignacio Azinovic, Michael G. Haddock, and Michael Eble. IORT for Bone Sarcomas,Felipe A. Calvo, Luis Sierrasesumaga, Norman Willich, Santiago Amillo, and José Cañadell. Locally Advanced

Primary and Recurrent Gynecologic Malignancies: EBRT With or Without IOERT or

HDR-IORT, Michael G. Haddock, Rafael Martinez-Monge, Ivy A. Petersen, and

Timothy O. Wilson. Genitourinary IORT,Felipe A. Calvo, Horst Zincke, Leonard L. Gunderson, Javier Aristu, Jean P. Gerard, Jose M. Berian, and William U. Shipley. Lung Cancer: EBRT With or Without IORT, Javier Aristu, Felipe A. Calvo, Rafael Martínez, Jean Bernard Dubois, Manuel Santos, Scott Fisher, and Ignacio Azinovic. Pediatric Malignancies: IORT Alone or With EBRT, Paula J. Schomberg, Thomas E. Merchant, Gerald Haase, and Javier Aristu. IORT for Head and Neck Cancer,Robert L. Foote, Peter Garrett, William Rate, Subir Nag, Rafael Martinez-Monge, Thierry Schmitt, and Thomas V. McCaffrey. IORT for CNS Tumors,D. Ortiz de Urbina, N. Willich, R. R. Dobelbower, J. Aristu, J. C. Bustos, D. Carter, S. Palkovic, M. Santos, and F. A. Calvo. IORT for Breast Cancer, Joyce A. Battle, Jean-Bernard DuBois, Hollis W. Merrick, and Ralph R. Dobelbower, J. Aristu, J. C. Bustos, D. Carter, S. Palkovic, M. Santos, and F. A. Calvo. IORT for Breast Cancer, Joyce A. Battle, Jean-Bernard DuBois, Hollis W. Merrick, and Ralph R. Dobelbower, Jr. Part V. Conclusions and Future Possibilities. Conclusions and Future


Edited by: L. L.Gunderson, MD, C. G. Wilett, MD, L. B. Harrison, MD and F. A. Calvo, MD
560 Pages, Feburary 1999
$200.00 U.S.
ISBN: 0-89603-523-9 ; Springer-Verlag  
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